
Happy Dashain

Distance travelled by a body using function

Diaplay 9,7,5..1th terms using sub

Armstrong number using sub

Palindrome string

Factorial using function.

Fator using sub

Positive negative or zero using sub

Positive or negative using sub

Prime or composite using sub

Perfect square using function

Display 59,42,35,29, toth terms

Erase vowel from input string using function.

Check input character is capital or small in function.

Print only vowel from a given no. Using sub

Volume of a box using function.

To check whether the given no. Is dovisible by 13 or not

Circumference of a circle using sub.

Area of four walls using function.

Area of box using function.

Greatest no. Among 3 no. using sub.

Display 1,1,2,3,5,8...into 10 th item using sub.

Print natural no. Using sub.

Simple interest using function.

Celsius into fahrenheit using function.

Sum of digit using sub procedure

Count total no. Of consonants using function.

Print first ten no.using sub.

Volume of cylinder using function.

Area of triangle using function.

Display reverse of input string using sub.

Count total vowel number using function.

Area of four walls using sub.