Visit to election commission

Visit to election commission 

We the member of grade 10 of both section were informed in a sudden way. We just got information about visiting the election commission before one day.

However our teacher managed their precious time for our study as well by visiting election commission with us. Our heart was filled with excitements while reaching over there. 

When we reached there, one of the ladies gave introduction about herself and started to share her opinion about the election commission. Then after she started to make us aware about the voting system in a proper way. After that we watched many documentary files over there which has helped us to be aware while voting and also gave us knowledge about the merits and demerits of election.

Although watching the video for half an hour  about an election was boring but I guess it has helped us more than we had taught by the teacher. Anyway we got an opportunity to know more about the visit to election commission.

